Tag Archives: BJJLifestyle

Stay Focused, Work Hard… or choose something new?

Hello everyone and welcome to our latest blog. This year I shall be trying to keep up with regular blogs, just like before. I do apologise that I was not so active last year. Unfortunately, sometimes I get so busy that I neglect to do simple things like this, as I am usually on the […]

How to tie a BJJ belt around your child.

Below is a brief instructional video of how to tie a BJJ belt around your child before training. I hope this helps all our parents who struggle with this task. If you have any more questions or problems please feel free to contact me in class times. Thank you.

Belt Testing Day

Today marked another great day for GBTQ as we held our very first belt test day for two candidates, Sophie and Michael. Both of whom were eligible to take the test for their Grey White Belt. This is the first time we have done this, as all our usual promotions for stripes are done within […]

The Real Value of Jiu Jitsu

There are so many benefits to participating in Jiu Jitsu it would be beyond the scope of this short blog to list them all. Some of them are blatantly obvious, others less so. So I’d like to take a minute to write about one of the very special benefits that comes with training Jiu Jitsu […]