Tag Archives: Gracie Barra

Five Reasons Why you should quit the gym and train Jiu-Jitsu instead… yes you!!…. I mean Everyone!!

Hello Everyone, Thanks again for checking in and taking the time to read the blog. Firstly I’d like to apologise for missing last month. I have reasons… but no excuses!… please forgive me! So… without further a do I’d like to get straight into it. This is something that I’ve always thought of for a […]

Jiu-Jitsu For Everyone… A public statement.

Hello Everyone, Thank you once again for taking the time to read this blog. This month I feel quite saddened by the content of this blog, though I do feel that I have to address some issues that have arisen recently. What you are about to read may strike a chord with many of you, […]

I can beat Usain Bolt!

In a grappling match… of course! No problems! BUT… I’m talking about a sprint! Yes it’s true. I can actually beat him over 100m. Provided I start about 10m away from the finish line! (Not so sure if I might need to say 5m actually; I really am awful at sprinting). So there you have […]

The toughest battles of all.

Hello Everyone! Thank you very much for taking the time to read this! Firstly, may I begin with an apology for my lack of presence in the classes recently. I have been going through some rather complicated, and difficult times with my daughter’s health (both physical and mental). Thankfully, we are now on the mend […]

R.I.F. and L.M.F.

When I was at senior school I was fortunate enough to have met a truly incredible teacher who shaped my life as a teenager, and a young adult. His words still resonate in my mind now. Despite his unfortunate passing away many years ago, his wise words of Yorkshire wisdom I still apply to my […]

An Interview With Female Fighter: Anna Laffin

Hello everyone! Welcome to our blog again! This month we have taken a slight change of pace, and done something a little different. In this blog I have taken the time out to interview one of our very own female fighters. Anna’s story is truly great, and she is very well respected in the academy […]

The true value of helping each other.

I have spoken on many occasions about the value of teamwork within our academy, and the true family spirit that exists within it. For some of the uninitiated, and for any readers who may question the rationale behind this philosophy that exists here at Gracie Barra Trafford Quays; I’d like to take a brief moment […]

Fighting Spirit

Well, it’s certainly been a very busy time recently. One of the highlights of which was the sponsored 24 hour roll that we did at the beginning of the month. What an experience that was! I could literally write about my own experiences during that 24 hour period for a very long time! So many […]

Equipe GB: Organised like a TEAM, fighting like a FAMILY!

Equipe GB is emblazoned across our uniform. For many of you who haven’t heard me mention this before, it means TEAM Gracie Barra. Just how important do you think team values are to Gracie Barra schools worldwide, and to our founder Master Carlos Gracie Jnr? To go so far as to have it on our […]

The Truth About Tapping Out

Have you ever been on a car journey and suddenly thought to yourself: “What happened for the last 5 miles”?. Or, have you ever been on a journey you make many times: on the way to work for example, and suddenly noticed something you have never seen before? If you’re anything like me at all […]